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Showing posts from October, 2013

Publishing a Soap-Based Service with the Endpoint class - Part 1

Hey there, For some developers, especially those that are not familiar with Web Services, it might be difficult to figure out how to start off creating Web Services. Today we are going to walk you through a simple tutorial, learning how to publish a Web Service, in your local machine, without a Web Server or an Application Server. A Web Service is a set of functions that are exposed and published over a networking, allowing the separation of the function-service from its execution environment. This leads enterprise softwares to an easier integration approach of different software components, written in different languages and running in different operating system as well as decoupling those components. Creating our Web Service We are going to use the  bottom-up model for designing a service, which means, we will not have a WSDL file first, but instead we are creating the classes, this model is also known as contract last, because de WSDL is created from the classes. A develop