Maven, one of the central actors in the Java World, resposible for managing the building life-cycles of many projects, is full of little features, that sometimes we forget to explore. Let us go straight away and take a look at some very useful Maven features that will make your builds shine. From where it stopped Sometimes it is needed to build a bunch of projects all together, artifact-a , artifact-b and so on. What do we usually do when one of them fail? Build it all again! But not anymore: By using this option you can run the build from the project that failed. Two out of ten Ok, suppose you have 10 projects, and you only want to build 2 of them, how would you do? The option -pl will do the job Multi-threaded Build If in the machine you run the build you have many Cores, tou can take advantage of them by using the following option(it means 2 Threads per Core): It is also possible to define 3 Threads per Core(T3C) Skip your Tests when you want to With a lot of test...
ArrayList is a widely misused "default" List in Java. It has terrible performance when elements are added/removed frequently, but works pretty well as a replacement for Array . But what about Scala? What is Scala's default collection? What Scala collection has characteristics similar to ArrayList ? What's a good replacement for Array in Scala? So here are the answers for these: What is Scala's default collection? Scala's equivalent of Java's List interface is the Seq . A more general interface exists as well, which is the GenSeq -- the main difference being that a GenSeq may have operations processed serially or in parallel, depending on the implementation. Because Scala allows programmers to use Seq as a factory, they don't often bother with defining a particular implementation unless they care about it. When they do, they'll usually pick either Scala's List or...